
Friday, May 20, 2011
Full stop, dreams are scattered. @ 9:32 AM


I haven't updated this since I've first launched this out to the public and I think this deserves a new post.

What would be my excuse, you ask? Well, there are certain situations that even the most determined people have their moments of distractions. I, for one, am easily distracted by the little things. Pizza, ice cream, assorted sweets, shoes, street food... all types of food for that matter and some other stuff.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who has had this problem before. Distraction and the yearning to spend the money that you've saved up for a trip you've wanted to go on since, well, forever. But you can't give up (unlike me who have been swayed shamelessly).

For a personal trip to continue on, you have to want it bad enough that you'd sacrifice everything else just for it to go through. So tip #2, ignore all the siren calls of temptation and keep on saving till you get to your certain goal (in regards to spending money for the trip).

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● Growing Traveler
● Photographer
● Romance Novelist
● Aspiring Film-maker
● Training Graphic Artist
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